Sunday, March 24, 2013

Yay, Story Tagged! :D

So there’s this long ol’ story tag that started with me, went to Fairley, went to Sam, went to Bobbi, went to Beowolf, went to Joe, went to Paintbrush, and it’s my turn again!! :D Here goes!
On movie nights, Jane took refuge in her room, her favorite place to be at any time. Although there was only one window, the sill was very deep, making it one of the best places to sit and read, especially since there were bookshelves everywhere possible in the room. Bookshelves were leaning against every wall, and there were a couple of them on one side of the bed, one facing away from the bed, and one facing towards it. On the other side of the bed was a largish closet, the door facing the bed. On the opposite side of the window, the other side of the room, there was a door leading to the hallway, while on the opposite side of the bottom of the bed was a door leading to a very small room, which was the place in between Jane’s room and her twin brother’s room. Jane’s closet on the side of the bed facing the door to the hallway didn’t make it all the way to the wall, so the somewhat small space between the two walls was what Jane called her “pillow place”.
Jane flopped on her bed and glanced at her bookshelf. Having not else to do, she ran her fingers across the books on the shelf until she found one. She picked it up and opened it. It was one of her favorites, a collection of old fairytales. It was short, and Jane had finished it in about an hour. She placed it back on the shelf and looked around her room. When she took time to think about it, she felt like she had an overwhelming amount of books. But she enjoyed reading more than anything in the world. Recently she had made a plan to read a variety of all the books on her shelves. You see, Jane had so many books that she decided to split them into different groups based on its genre; the shelf next to her bed contained science fiction; the one facing away from her bed held books about the arts; the one facing towards her bed held classical literature; and so on. Jane loved all books, but her favorite genre was literature. She loved the exquisite language it was written in, the intricate characters, the complex plot lines. Sometimes Jane wished she lived in the era when the books were made.
Suddenly, her brother opened her door by grabbing its doorknob and turning it. With a push, the door swung open on its hinges just like the way doors were made to do. Doors are very intriguing. 
So are marshmallows. 
But that’s another story….
”David!” Jane exclaimed by opening her mouth and exhaling through her throat wherein was a very intricate vocal device commonly know as a voice box. “Don’t you ever knock?!”Holding an open jar of peanut butter in his right hand, Jane’s brown-haired twin stood in place for an exact five-point-nine seconds before opening his mouth to do a similar act of communication.
”I was wondering if you know where my Attack of the Ultimate Death Everywhere Zombies® video game was” he replied. Or rather, not replied. Seeing as her question, rhetorical though it was, had not quite filtered through into his mind. Maybe it was because he played video games all the time.
”Don’t you ever do anything but play video games all the time?!” Jane said, employing another handy rhetorical question. “I can’t hardly read with all of that racket going on downstairs!” Downstairs, referring mainly to his room. Please ignore for the moment the other rooms in the vicinity of the first floor; such as their parent’s bedroom, a kitchen, the dining room where they watched TV, and the living room where why ate dinner. No bathroom. It was in the basement. Some excuse from the builders of not enough pipes.
”Anyway,” the girl said to her brother, bringing us away from the subject of unusually placed bathrooms, “I haven’t seen your stupid bang-bang-shoot-’em-up-whatever-it-is game. Try looking down the hall.” And with a gesture through the open door, she pointed toward her three younger sisters’ room. Otherwise observed as the door with all the sparkly glue covering it.
”Thanks.” David the excessive gamer muttered. Sticking a spoon into the peanut butter, he turned around. But instead of strolling the thirteen feet and seven inches to the remarkably dazzling door, he tripped over Jane’s cat and fell face-first into the shaggy carpet. The spoon went flying and stuck itself to the hallway ceiling with a peanutbuttery splat, the cat growled from under bed, and Jane giggled, pulling another book off the nearest shelf.
“I’m gonna kill that cat!” exclaimed David right as his second youngest sister, Rachel, walks up.
”David, don’t kill Foofenpoofers!” Rachel said as pulling out the cat from underneath the bed.
”You’re almost seven, Rachel! Start calling the cat by his real name.” said David.
Rachel started walking back downstairs, “But Timmy’s a dumb name for…” Rachel couldn’t complete her sentence because all of a sudden the peanut butter fell from ceiling and splatted in her hair!
”SARAH!!!!” Rachel started to run toward the basement where her ten year old sister, Sarah, was changing their baby sister’s diaper.
Jane opened a book and laughed just imagining what her younger sisters would do to get the peanut butter out of her hair. She heard baby Beth crying, and she just shook her head. She began to read, and before the knew it, it was two hours later. She jumped when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. Sarah was standing her bed, beginning to cry. “Where’s Timmy?” asked Sarah.
”What do you mean?” Jane asked, “Isn’t he in the house?” “No, I looked everywhere, and I can’t find him!” “Don’t worry, I’m sure he’s around.” They went outside and looked around the yard, but they couldn’t find him. “I’m going to get on my bike and go look for him.” Jane said, “Go back inside and don’t tell Mama!” At almost 15, Jane considered herself an adult, but her mother didn’t. She didn’t want her mother to know that she was leaving the house to look for Timmy. She remembered she had read in one of her books where a cat had gone missing and the owner went to look for it, and they had gotten kidnapped. She hoped that wouldn’t happen to her.
Of course, not everything that you see in movies comes true. Jane knew this from experience, when she had tried to lock her brother in the wardrobe and send him to Narnia to get rid of him. And then forgotten him. For six hours. The poor kid was now rather claustrophobic. Which probably explained why he had his bed lying on the floor and had insisted that his roof be made of Plexiglass. Jane now heard a plaintive meow from said Plexiglass roof… And then a howl as “Foofenpoofers” was pushed from the roof by a broom. Jane felt her eyes bug out as she watched Timmy’s long, twelve-story fall to the ground. When he luckily landed on their trampoline, she let out a sigh of relief. She now remembered that David had said that he was going to kill the cat, and saw her vision go red. She found herself flying through the air onto the Plexiglass roof, where she faced David, breathing heavily. David wavered on his feet for a moment, then passed out, fell over, and started to roll towards the edge of the roof! Jane, knowing her trajectories, knew that his speed would cause him to bash his head on the far side of the trampoline and break his legs on the ground. She reached out to try to stop him and missed, only barely keeping her own balance. She then rushed to the edge and watched helplessly as David fell towards the ground.
Jane had exactly 2.59 seconds before David hit the ground. In .10 seconds, she called the Police. Sadly, they were busy giving a ticket to a man for driving one mile over the speed limit (on purpose). Funny thing is, the speed limit was already 100 mph. Back on subject, it took Jane .10 seconds to call the firefighters. Equally saddening, they were busy getting Fluffy (the EVIL kitty from the white kingdom) out of a tree. In yet another .10 seconds, she called the paramedics. However, they were busy doing a medical drama. In .40 seconds, she had called the CIA, the FBI, the FAA and DAO (Dad’s Awesome Office). But alas, no one could help!
So in the remaining 1.89 seconds left, she did the only thing she could. Scream.
Amazingly, in midair, David turned around and landed right smack in the middle of the trampoline, sending him flying into the nearby pool. With a sigh of relief, Jane got down, and put up the ladder to get into/out of the pool for him, although she was VERY mad at him.
“Just how immature are you?” Jane cried, even though in actual fact, she was just worried about him.
David climbed out of the pool, and ignoring her question, shouted, “dude, that was so cool!!”
Jane just put her hands on her hips, glaring at her twin. “Aw, chill out, Jane-y,” David said, using his pet name for his three-hours-and-four-minutes-younger twin. “The cat’s fine!”
“Oh, right!” Jane cried angrily, as though she had just remembered the cat. “The cat was who I was worried about.” She picked up Tim, started walking towards the house shaking her head ever so slightly, her eyes starting to tear up, when she suddenly tripped. On what, she couldn’t've said, and neither could her twin, since he was busy staring at how far he had fallen while grinning like a nerd. However, the moment he heard his little sister cry out, he quickly turned around to see that she had fallen through some sort of magical chasm.
“Whoa!” He exclaimed, and ran over to where Jane had disappeared, looking through the teleporting hole in the ground. “So Portal.”

I tag @redwriter!! :D

Random Questions!

This is not a tag, but it’s sorta like it because I’m answering questions. :D Also, some of these questions have outdated answers, so I apologize for that if it’s a disappointment at all.
Bobbi: What’s your favorite color?
Yellow, or TARDIS blue.
Bobbi: Who’s the last person you talked to?
In real life, Mom. Over the Internet, Bobbi.
Bobbi: Do you like horses?
I rather do, but… not to look at them… heh.
Bobbi: What’s your favorite subject in school?
This is a question I get asked a lot, and quite honestly, I don’t know. There’s something about school that I don’t like. The only subject I look forward to is Bible, but ever since someone told me that they never thought of that as a school subject.. I just… don’t know.
Bobbi: What’s the last thing you ate?
A Hershey kiss! :D
Bobbi: What color is your pillow case?
Burgundy! (Bit dull, I know)
Bobbi: Have you ever gone fishing? On a hot summer day? Sit on a long and let the log roll away? With your hands in your pockets? And you pockets in your pants? Have you ever seen a fish do a hula-hula dance?
Ummm… I have gone fishing on a hot summer day… but I didn’t sit long, in fact, I’m fairly sure I was standing, with my hands not in my pockets because my hands were on the fishing pole, and I’m pretty sure my pockets are always in my pants, unless they run away to have fun at night… *looks suspiciously at my pockets* And no… I’ve never seen a fish do the hula-hula dance.
Bobbi: Do you know the muffin man?
Sorta! …Not really… my brother Six used to ask Mom to make muffins for breakfast, lunch, and supper. Luckily, Mom never made muffins for anything but breakfast, but in any case, I got extremely tired of them extremely quickly, because we had them every. Morning. So… I started calling Six “The Muffin Boy”. He doesn’t do that anymore. :D
Bobbi: Do you like pickles?
I love pickles!!! If they’re dill, anyway… I’ll eat them plain if they’re dill!
Josh: Do you like roast beef?
I do! Especially when Mom makes them in the crock pot… :D
Josh: Do you like curly fries?
Emmm… not especially… call me weird, but I don’t like fries in general. I do like curly fries a bit better than just normal French fries, though…
Rachel: What’s your scariest memory, or your saddest, or happiest, orrr… your most awkward moment?
I’m going to change all those “or”s to “and”s and say… my scariest memory is of laying in my bed at night, looking out the window, and seeing an extremely and frightening, pale face of a man looking thought the window at me for a moment, then walk away, I’m fairly sure in the direction of where the front door was. But the more I think about it, the more I think it was a nightmare.
My saddest memory… I think that was when I went to my Grandpa’s memorial. He was diabetic, and therefore quite large, but when I walked up to his earthly shell, he was rather thin. Mom told me later that it was because he didn’t eat much towards his end. Worse than seeing his body was hearing everyone’s stories about him, and a certain fact coming to my attention. I didn’t know my Grandpa very well before he had had his series of strokes. He lived a state away, and so I saw him very infrequently, and when I did, I was too young to remember much.
Happiest… goodness, there are too many to choose from!! There are pretty much all my Kamp memories, practically all the times that my cousin-although-very-nearly-almost-but-not-actually-brother, Bryant, came to visit us, aaand… um… OH!! Last year, my sister Two planned out a surprise Birthday party for my sixteenth Birthday that was absolutely fantastic!! It was one of the best Birthdays I ever remember having, even thought it was a few days before my Birthday. Sooo… ummm… here comes a story. It was a Saturday. One had told me that she wanted me to get my chores done just about as quickly as possible because she wanted to watch a movie with me, and I had told Five the day before that I wanted to play on the Wii with him, so I asked him to get his chores done as quickly as possible so that we could beat Six and Seven (who played on the Wii together a lot). Or maybe he suggested to me… I find the latter more likely… anyway! Basically as soon as I was finished with my chores, my friend who was only a couple houses away called and invited me to play with her. I went over there and we played some card games and board games for a while, and theeen there was a knock on the door… it was Two. She blindfolded me and drove me and my neighbor off somewhere, with one of my friends in the passenger seat. I could not, for the life of me, guess who it was that was in the passenger seat, but when I eventually got to Branzah’s house (Branzah is the mixing of Two’s and her husband’s names. :) ), and was unblindfolded, I discovered who it was, and felt like a bit of an idiot, because I had just seen her the day before. :D Anyway… we had fish sticks and vanilla pudding, I got a Doctor Who board game, which we played. :D Ummm… we had a rainbow cake that had a picture of the TARDIS on the top that Three made… oh, I got the eleventh Doctor’s sonic screwdriver!! Yeah… it was one of the greatest days that I remember well. :D
Forgive me if I don’t want to talk about my awkwardest moment. I know I said that I’m answering these questions, but I really don’t wish to answer this particular one.
Hannah: Why is the Eleventh Doctor your favorite from the new series?
Yay, a geeky question!! :D He’s querky (definition 1) and hilarious. He makes me laugh almost as much as the Second and Fourth Doctors put together, if not the same amount. It’s hard to put it into words… but allow me to inform you that I completely disliked him when he first came in. It wasn’t until the end of Flesh and Stone, when he pushed Amy off of him and decided to drag Rory into everything, that I decided that perhaps he wouldn’t be so very bad, and by the end of A Christmas Carol, I was endeared to him, and I got to thinking about how I would feel if he were to leave. I also realized that part of the reason I disliked him was because of the way that Ten left. After I was able to come to terms with the fact that Ten was gone and wasn’t coming back, I realized that Eleven had me just about entirely.
Fairley: What’s your real name? (I know you don’t want to post your full name on here for privacy reasons, but can you tell me your first name?)
Hmmm… I’d still rather not post my first name, but compromise! I’ll post my initials and my full middle name. B. Anna Y.

I Made a New Tag

I decided that I haven’t been tagged in too long, so I decided to create one.
1. What are three words you would use to describe yourself?
Silly, kind, and inexperienced.
2. Ask a friend or a family member what three words they’d use to describe you.
(From Nichole, and to quote her) “Hilarious, brilliant, and adorable!”
3. If a genie appeared and told you they would grant you one wish, what would you do/wish for?
I would keep the genie around for a while for when I needed the wish, if that could even be an option.
4. If you were only allowed to stay in your room and bathroom for two hours with no communication with the outside world, what would you do?
Most likely clean my room, believe it or not.
5. If you could choose one superpower to have, which superpower would you choose?
The ability to transport myself into any book, movie, or TV show for however long, but after I leave, everything changes back to normal.
6. [Add one question]
(I’m not going to, since I came up with the first 5. :) )
Last off, tag two people.
Ummm… @joshuaworld and @aeg52998. :D

I (Just) Made a Blog Just For This

What state do you live in?
Colorado!! :D
Do you like spinach?
I dunno, I’ve never tried it… I doubt it.
What internet browser do you use?
Google Chrome.
Okay. Let’s take a look at your environment.
What is straight in front of you?
The computer screen, and a window.
What is to your right?
A wall.
My Dad’s desk, and a storage closet.
Behind you?
Ten, Eight, and a bookshelf.
Do you like BIG beds or small beds?
Big beds. :D
Do you like hot, spicy food?
Yes, but not like, really spicy food.
What time is it?
4:53 PM.
What part of your house are you in?
The office.
What kind of computer are you using (phone, tablet, laptop, desktop)?
A desktop. The Mothercomputer, is what I call it, not only because it’s my Mom’s computer, but because everyone uses it.
Do you own a snowmobile?
No, I do not.
What about a car?
Do you friend people on HSB JUST to friend them?
Not really. I friend people because they seem fun, or I want/need to send them a message.
Do you use Skype?
Yes, but I’m only allowed to video call girls.
Do you like math?
Nooot especially.
Do you like being homeschooled?
Yesh!! I really do. :D
And finally, *suspense*…. Are you a Christian?
I am!
I tag… ummm… @ohiogirl… and… @hannahd.

I've Been Indirectly Tagged

So I was reading someone’s blog and came across a How Much Are You Worth? tag, and at the end, she tagged anyone that Sam hadn’t. Which, among other people, is me. And I wanted to do this tag anyway, so here goes!
Hair color:
[] Black = $100
[X] Blonde = $50
[] Red = $75
[] Brown = $15
[] Bald = $5
[] Other=$2 – Quite honestly, I think this should be worth higher
Eye Color:
[] Brown –$150
[] Green –$75
[X] Blue $50 (Or so I’m told. I get so many different answers, but blue is the most said.)
[] Hazel $100
[] Other –$15 – Again, this should be worth higher, if not the most. I know a boy who has one blue eye and one green eye.

[] Over 7′ –$200
[] 6′ 8″ to 7′ –$175
[] 6′ 0″ to 6′ 7″ –$150
[] 5′ 5″ to 5′ 11″ –$75
[X]4′ 9″ to 5′ 4″ –$50
[] Under 4′ 9″ –$45
[] 41 to 50 –$150
[] 31 to 40 –$100
[] 26 to 30 –$75
[] 21 to 25 –$50
[] 19 to 20 –$25
[X] 0 to 18 –$100
Birth Order:
[] Twins or more than twins –$300
[] First Born –$300
[] Only Child –$250
[] Second born –$150
[] Middle child –$100
[] Last Born –$200
[] Third born –$100
[X] Fourth born –$100
[] Fifth born –$375
[] Perfect vision –$300
[] Have glasses/contacts and wear them –$200
[] No correction –$100
[X] Glasses –$50
[] Contacts –$25
[] Surgical correction –$135
Car Color [or families' car(s)]:
[X] White –$2,000
[] Maroon –$800
[X] Gold –$700 (Although not so much anymore, we need to wash it…)
[] Grey –$600
[] Blue –$900
[] Pink –$475
[] Black –$450
[] Red –$400
[X] Green- $350
[] Silver –$300
[] Purple –$250
[] Metallic –$200
[] Yellow –$100
[] Primer –$75
[] Tan –$20
[] Rusted –$15
[] No Car –$0
Shoe Size:
[] 13+ –$300
[]12 and a half to 13 –$250
[] 11 to 12 –$700
[]7 to 10 –$600
[X] Under 7- $550
Favorite Colors (pick three):
[] Green –$750
[] Black –$600
[] Red –$800
[X] Yellow -$475
[] Brown –$50
[] Purple –$225
[X] Aqua –$350
[] Orange –$300
[X] Blue –$300
[] Pink –$100
[] Other –$ 50
Did you use a calculator to add it all up?
[] Yes –$0
[X] No –add $1000 (Okay, so I kinda cheated on this because I knew these would be an option.)
[] On some –$750
How many people are you going to send this to?
[] 100 –150 = $2500
[] 90 –80 = $1000
[] 70 –60 = $900
[] 50 –40 = $700
[] 30 –20 = $500
[] 19 –10 = $100
[] 10 –1 = $5
[X] Post it on a blog = $2000
I am worth a total of: $8,125 – That. Doesn’t seem quite right. But okay!!
I tag: Anyone that wants to do this, because I’m lazy and don’t have tons of time at this point.

TAG!! I'm It. And Now Someone Else Is!

I have been tagged once again. So once again, here goes!
1. First start with your name.
Janora. :D
2. Now your age!
I am sixteen years old.
3. Favorite colors?
TARDIS blue and yellow! (But not together)
4. Got any pets? If so, what are they?
5. What are your favorite smells?
Campfire, new book, vanilla… ummm… yeah…
6. Favorite movies?
No idea.
7. Favorite TV shows?
Doctor Who, Merlin, Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Star Trek: Voyager.
8. Favorite boy characters?
The Doctor, (yes, in both Doctor Who and Star Trek: Voyager!) Captain Picard, Q, Merlin, ummm… does Data count as a boy?
9. Favorite girl characters?
10. Food?
Oooh… food…
11. Favorite beverage/soda?
A&W Root Beer. :D
12. What fictional place do you want to live in?
Never-Never Land.
13. If you were any kind of monster, what would you be?
The kind that is really actually nice on the inside, but everyone thinks I’m a monster because of the way I look. If I could choose, though… a dragon, I think. :)
14. What makes you angry?
I dunno… it depends on the time of the month. Is this something you want to ask a girl?
15. Favorite animals?
Bottlenose dolphins.
16. What do you wish to be?
A mother, someday. The existence of this nation depends upon it!!
17. What kind of cereal do you eat?
Healthy kinds… but if my parents ever bought the kind of cereal I would want, cinnamon Life. :D
18. Candle??
I love candles!!! They’re so cool!!
19. Name your dislikes?
20. How do you make your sandwich?
Well, see, I get a couple of pieces of bread, and I put stuff in between them.
21. Dogs or cats?
Cats. They’re so much easier to take care of.
22. Brunettes or blondes?
…That I like? Ummm… I don’t care, it’s the personality that matters.
23. Dark or cheerful?
I see dark and think chocolate, but I can’t imagine cheerful chocolate. What are you asking?
24. Would you rather be an alien or a robot?
A robot, but if we’re talking about an alien from outer space, absolutely an alien!
25. Video games?
Portal… Legend of Zelda. ‘Bout it.
26. What books do you read?
The sci-fi or fantasy ones. :D
27. Favorite snacks?
Snack mix, where the ratio between M&Ms and other things is 9:1!
28. Favorite ice cream flavor?
I dunno… it depends on how I’m feeling.
29. Favorite music artists?
…I don’t really pay attention… Gregorian?
30. Favorite songs?
Ummm… I think I answered this in a previous tag. Quite a few.
31. Outcast or popular?
32. What game systems do you have?
Just a Wii.
33. Can you swim?
Yesh, I love it!
34. Do you wanna fly?
You mean in an airplane, a helicopter, or just magically? Well, whatever, YES!!
35. What one thing would change the world?
The discovery of warp! Yeah… Star Trek reference…
36. What is your current main hobby?
I don’t really have a hobby…
37. Your favorite celebs?
I don’t exactly have any…
38. If you could change your name to anything, what would it be?
I don’t think I would change it. It’d be a bit insulting to my parents.
39. What are your nicknames?
…I don’t have any…
40. What snack do you prefer to eat with popcorn?
If I had to eat something with popcorn… apples.
41. What is your favorite kind of movie?
Science fiction, fantasy, the spy kind, and the superpower kind.
42. Are you a rebel or a sweetheart?
43. Leader or follower?
44. Are you a Christian?
I am, indeed!
45. Are you under 6 feet?
Yes. 5′ 1″ ish.
46. What do you have in you?
Like, 70% water, or so I’m told.
47. What’s your favorite part of the sky?
The clouds…
48. Day time or night time?
Daytime. :D
49. Chocolate milk or hot cocoa?
Chocolate milk, ’cause I barely ever get that.
50. Winter or summer?
Completely summer! …Am I there yet?
51. Are you for or against dresses/skirts?
52. Boots or high heels?
Boots. ‘Specially the kinds that you see in fantasy, like Merlin’s boots in Merlin.
53. What kinda weapon do you want?
Some kind of one-handed-but-powerful-gun. I don’t know the kinds very well.
54. Who are your bestest friends?
…I try not to pick ‘bestest’ ones.
55. What color(s) is/are your hair?
A somewhat dark blonde, with brown highlights, and yes, it’s natural.
56. Do you have any siblings?
Yes, nine! :D
57. What is your favorite flower?
Daisies! They’re the friendliest flower. Actually, I don’t know. …Has anyone here seen You’ve Got Mail? ‘Cause I just referenced it.
58. Favorite stories made by your friends?
Emmm…  I dunno.
59. Are you pro-life?
*sarcastic* No, not at all. Can’t you tell?
60. Last question– Did you like this tag?
Even though there were a ridiculous amount of questions… yes.
I TAG: @bobbijs, @abbypie3000, and @tulipscorner

Was Introduced To An Old Tag And Decided To Do It

What’s your favorite animal?
Bottlenose Dolphin
What’s your favorite place?
Kamp Koinonia, nearly without a doubt.
Where would you wish to live?
Anywhere where my friends are, even if I have to break the rules of physics.
Did you leave home yesterday?
Do you have an animal?
Just my little brothers. :P
Would you rather use a desktop computer or laptop?
Desktop, as long as it were my own.
Would your rather have your own room or your own house?
*thinks* Room. Less to take care of.
What did you watch on TV yesterday?
We don’t have cable.
When was the last time you looked outside, and what did you see?
I suppose about an hour ago. Among other things, I saw the garage from the outside. (I was driving.)
What’s your favorite thing to eat?
Stouffer’s lasagna
What’s your favorite thing to do?
I dunno. It depends. Right now, I’m pretty sure my favorite thing to do is to hang out with my Koinonians.
What’s your favorite thing to look at?
Beautiful space pictures are wonderful, but… I don’t really have a favorite thing to look at.
What’s your favorite movie?
I really dunno! Ummm… The Avengers?
What’s your favorite sport?
To watch, or to play? Ummm… baseball… I guess.
How many animals do you have?
What are your favorite colors?
TARDIS blue and yellow.
What’s your favorite drink?
What color are your bedroom walls?
Purple and white. :D
I tag @joshuaworld, @willowrae, and anyone else who wants to do it! :)

Been Tagged... 'Gain.

What is your FULL name…?
…Again? Okay, again, goin’ with Vanessa Anna Clearwater.
How old are you…?
I’m sixteen, turning seventeen in April.
What is your favorite thing to do…?
Ummm… I dunno. It depends on what I feel like. Right now, I feel like my favorite thing to do is spend time with my Koinonians. (Koinonian – noun 1. A person that goes to an amazing Christian camp called Kamp Koinonia in the vicinity of Denver, Colorado)
How much money have you spent in the last six months…?
I… don’t really know.
Do you have a boobie trap in your room…?
…No. I should, though!
What is your favorite book…?
I don’t really have a favorite. Go, books!!
Take the first letters of all your answers (except any numbers) and put them together. What do you get? This is your Bible name!
Aiuini …Not sure that worked. They’re almost all vowels!!
I tag… anyone with a HomeschoolBlogger account that read this!! …Yeah. That is, if they haven’t done it.

'Nother Tag!

I was tagged by Sam this time!! :D
…I cannot disclose that. However, since it seems to be necessary, I’ll go with Vanessa Clearwater.
YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (first 4 letters of real name plus ‘izzle’)
YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (fav. color and fav. animal)
Ummm… Yellow Dolphin
YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (your middle name and street you live on)
Anna Twenty (I almost like it…)
YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your middle name)
Clean (Yay, I’m Clean!! :D )
YOUR SUPERHERO NAME: (Your 2nd favorite color, and favorite drink)
(Well… I don’t really have a favorite drink… but I’ll go with…) Blue Grape Juice
YOUR ARABIC NAME: (2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, 1st letter of your middle name, 2nd letter of your Mom’s maiden name, 3rd letter of your Dad’s middle name, 1st letter of a sibling’s first name, and last letter of your middle name)
Aeaeeda (Nope… I don’t think that worked.)
YOUR GOTH NAME: (black, and the name of one of your pets)
(Um, I don’t have a pet… but! Three got a fish recently, so I’ll go with that!) Black Fire Fin
I tag…
1. Evie (@evalin)
2. Simone (@millie14)
3. Josh (@joshuaworld)
4. Joe (@joebookworm)
5. DaWolfMan (@beowolf)
6.  Hannah (@ohiogirl)

A Revived Tag (Sorta)

So once again, I was looking through old blogs, and I found a story tag. Suddenly, I remembered these being on HSB in fair abundance, and I figured it was time to start one again.
Here’s how it works. One person does a paragraph then tags another (one) person. Revision here, since HomeschoolBlogger has been quite inactive, if  the person tagged doesn’t acknowledge that they’ve been tagged in say, a month, tag someone else. ‘Kay, here goes!
On movie nights, Jane took refuge in her room, her favorite place to be at any time. Although there was only one window, the sill was very deep, making it one of the best places to sit and read, especially since there were bookshelves everywhere possible in the room. Bookshelves were leaning against every wall, and there were a couple of them on one side of the bed, one facing away from the bed, and one facing towards it. On the other side of the bed was a largish closet, the door facing the bed. On the opposite side of the window, the other side of the room, there was a door leading to the hallway, while on the opposite side of the bottom of the bed was a door leading to a very small room, which was the place in between Jane’s room and her twin brother’s room. Jane’s closet on the side of the bed facing the door to the hallway didn’t make it all the way to the wall, so the somewhat small space between the two walls was what Jane called her “pillow place”.
Make sure to put an enter between different peoples’ additions, please. :) I tag Fairley (@gamegirl)!!

Found a Couple Tags...

So, I was looking through old HomeschoolBlogger posts found a couple of old tags, and decided to do them. :D Here goes!!

5 things in my freezer(s):
1. Ice cream!!
2. Pepperoni! :D
3. Chocolate chips.
4. Elk meat. (Yummaful!)
5. Flour. For some strange reason…

5 things in my closet:
1. Blankets (It’s a walk-in closet, so my family uses it for storage as well…)
2. A few board games… Clue, The Time Wars, and Battleship (Those are actually mine, by the way. :) )
3. Two or three boxes full of random things… I should probably refigure out what’s in those…
4. Tennis balls (I like to try to juggle with them.)
5. Stuffed animals. Like, a lot. I like ‘em!

5 things in my car (or my family’s):
1. Crumbs from various things
2. Kleenex. (It’s a necessity)
3. A couple of car seats, for Nine and Ten. :)
4. Spare coins, for when we need to pay for parking
5. Coats

5 things in my purse:
1. My Driver’s Permit
2. A notepad
3. A pencil
4. Dental rubber bands
5. My library card

5 things in my wallet:
Nothing, at the moment.

5 people I tag:
1. Bobbi! (@bobbijs)
2. Sam… (@bookalien)
3. Josh… (@joshuaworld)
4. DaWolfMan… (@beowolf)
5.  Ariel… (@aeg52998) I suppose. Heh. Aaand anyone who wants to do it! :D

‘Kay, one down, one to go!

1. What brand of computer do you have?
Well, right now, I’m on my Mom’s Lenovo.
2. What brand of mouse do you have?
The one I’m using at the moment is Logitech.
3. What books are on the desk you are at?
Right now, The Bible and The Complete Tales of Beatrix Potter.
4. Turn to the left, what do you see?
My Daddy!! Yay. :D
5. Put out your right hand, what can you touch?
The monitor, or very nearly. If I move it around outstretched, I can reach the phone we barely use, the printer, and the broken mouse.
6. List 10 things you would want to change about yourself.
1. My willingness to learn. I’m a bit stubborn in that subject too often.
2. I’d say my patience, but I think time’ll fix that.
3. My laziness. I procrastinate my procrastination, it’s that bad.
4. I’m pretty much content with everything else. :)
7. Which do you prefer, books or movies?
It used to be that I’d say books in a heartbeat, but now I think it really depends on how much time is on my hands. I’m a bit of a slow reader.
8. Do you have a computer chair?
Yes, although at the moment, I’m at my Mom’s desk, so I’m not in the chair at the moment.
9. What color is it?
10. List 3 actors you would want to meet.
Assuming that dead actors can count,
1. Patrick Troughton
2. Patrick Stewart (I guess I just like Patricks)
3. Matt Smith
11. List 3 actresses you would want to meet.
1. Mary Tamm
2. Lalla Ward
3. Yasmin Paige
12. Which do you like better, Italic, or bold?
Hmmm… bold.
13. If you were going to be stranded on an island for 1 week,what 15 things would you bring?
1. A huuuge bag of clothing. (Definitely including a swimsuit or two)
2. A tent. Maybe a very large one.
3. Books (obviously including my Bible)
4. Paper and writing utensil. It’d be fun to write sometimes.
5. A sword
6. A bow and some arrows
7. A box of matches
8. A flashlight
9. Some kind of thingy to purify the water
10. A toothbrush, and some toothpaste. Some floss would be handy, too!
11. Oh! Bedding. :D
12. Extra batteries
13. A cooler
14. Raw meat, in case I couldn’t catch any animals on the island.
15. Something to play music, maybe. I think I just might go insane without music.
14. What is your favorite outfit?
I don’t really have a favorite. I just put on clothes randomly.
15. Would you rather be married or single?
Definitely married, although not at this age.
16. Would you rather your hair be blonde, red, brown or black?
Quite honestly, red. Love a ging.
17. How many times have you watched a favorite movie?
I don’t count. Sorry.
18. How many times have you seen a movie in the theaters?
Like, the same movie? I’ve never seen a movie more than once in a theater, although certainly on DVD.
19. Would you rather watch TV for a year, not do school for a year, or go on vacation of your choice for a year?
I’m pretty sure that all of these cancel out school, but even if it doesn’t, go on a vacation, ’cause I nearly never get that chance.
20. What’s your favorite color?
Either a very bright, lovely yellow or the most recent TARDIS blue.
21. Have you ever sung in front of an audience before?
No. I almost did once, for a talent show, but ended up not.
22. Have you ever been in love?
Not yet, and hopefully not for another several years.
23. Have you ever ridden a roller coaster?
Yes, I have! :D
24. Have you ever done something crazy, like jump into a pool in the middle of fall?
Emmm… not to my recollections, but I have no doubt that I have.
25. Have you ever fallen asleep in the middle of something important?
…Not really.
26. Have you ever been somewhere absolutely beautiful?
Yes! Kamp Koinonia! It’s not necessarily beautiful in the way it looks, but it’s beautiful to be a part of it.
27. Have you ever been yelled at repeatedly?
Again, not to my recollections.
28. Do you dislike your relatives?
Nope, although there are a few that just really aren’t my favorites.
29. Have you ever been annoyed repeatedly by someone you dislike?
30. Which 3 people are you going to tag?
1. Paintbrush (@paintbrush)
2. Hannah (@ohiogirl)
3. Evie (@evalin)
and anyone else who feels like it!

TAG!! I'm It!

A – AVAILABLE: Nope! Not that I’m with someone… just that you have to fight reeeally hard through my super bomb parents and my fantastic siblings, so basically, I’m not available.
B – BIRTHDAY: April 17th
C – CRUSHING ON: A little bit on one guy… but I’m not tellin’.
D – DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Water! Woot!
E – EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: My eldest sister One, with my Mom in second. :)
F – FAVORITE SONG: This one is extremely difficult. I guess… any song by His Image (Acappella (My Dad was one of the original three, ya know!!)), Ruby Mirror, and almost any song by TobyMac, Owl City,  Simon and Garfunkel, Gregorian… the list goes on, actually.
G – GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: Gummy worms, especially if they’re sour!! :D
H – HOMETOWN : Grand Junction, CO
I – IN LOVE WITH: No one!! :D
K – KILLED SOMEONE: I didn't kill no one. *whistles suspiciously*
L – LONGEST CAR RIDE: Emmm… I dunno. I suppose when we went from Western Colorado to Northern Florida… but I was about two, so I remember nothing.
N – NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: Ten, counting in-laws.
O – ONE WISH: That I could somehow get the ability to travel immediately to the Denver area and back so I can visit most of my friends quickly.
P – PERSON THAT CALLED YOU LAST: That I called last? I really have no clue. The last person that I talked to on the phone was my Daddy.
R – REASON TO SMILE: That my cousin, (Insert real name here) One of Three is visiting for a few days before being transferred to Washington state!
S – SONG YOU LAST SANG: Dumb Ways to Die... heh.
T – TIME YOU WOKE UP: 10:30ish AM.
U – UNDERWEAR COLOR: (Insert color here)
V – VIOLENT: Once. It was very creepy. For both me and the people around me.
W – WORST HABIT: Twirling my hair.
X – X-RAYS YOU’VE HAD: Dentist. Numerous times.
Z – ZODIAC SIGN: Aries. I’m not a fan of the goat.

(Actually, to be perfectly honest, I haven’t murdered a soul.)
Also, I tag anyone who wants to do it!

Yay, I've Been Tagged! ...By My Own Tag?

I got tagged by the tag I created, but hey, these things happen, I suppose! There have been added questions, so I’ll most likely answer the previous questions the same way, but I won’t be looking at my first, so they’ll probably be different. Here goes.
1. How many letters are in your first name?
2. How old are you?
I am sixteen, nearly seventeen years old.
3. What are your thoughts on math?
It’s most definitely necessary, but I don’t wanna do iiit!
4. What is your favorite TV show, if any?
Doctor Who!! Although Star Trek: The Next Generation is a fairly close second… or maybe Merlin…
5.  Who is your favorite character in the previously stated show/s?
The Doctor! More precisely, either the fourth Doctor or the eleventh Doctor.
6. What is/are your favorite book/s of the Bible?
So difficult! Maybe Proverbs?
7. What is your favorite ice cream and why?
Sometimes, I’m too chocolated out, (I know, it’s amazing that that happens sometimes!) and vanilla’s my favorite, but right now, (even though it’s winter) I wouldn’t mind some coffee ice cream. (Even though I pretty much HATE actual coffee)
8. What is your favorite color?
Either yellow or TARDIS blue!
9. What is your favorite book genre?
Science fiction or fantasy!
10. How many siblings do you have?
Nine! Ten, if you count in-laws.
11. What is your favorite book, or book series?
Emmm… I don’t know!! There are tons of amazing ones! Like Artemis Fowl, The Hobbit, all of the Deltora books, The Book of Three… yeah… there are a LOT.
12. Favorite author?
I dunno, I don’t actually pay much attention to who writes books… heh...
13. (I may as well add another one) Summer or Winter?
I tag anyone who wants to do this! :D

I've Been Tagged!! Yay. :)

1. What time did you get up this morning? 6:30 AM
2. How do you like your steak? Steak-like. I dunno…
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? The Avengers. :D
4. What is your favorite TV show? Doctor Who. Totally Doctor Who.
5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? As long as there are mountains, and I live near my friends and/or family, I’m happy.
6. What did you have for breakfast? Malt-O-Meal!! And toast. With honey.
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Cue. Zeen. (Spelled wrong, I know… this is how you pronounce it, yes?) I don’t know anything about cuisine.
8. What foods do you dislike? To name a few, peppers, olives… yeah.
9. Favorite Place to Eat? Honestly? Kamp…
10. Favorite salad dressing? Ranch
11. What kind of vehicle do you drive? My grandparents’ Avalon.
12. Your favorite thing to wear? Any baggy clothes that go past my knees, and above my collarbone.
13. Where would you visit if you had the chance? England. Totally England.
14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? Just… halfway. I dunno, it depends if the cup is being filled up or emptied.
15. Where would you want to retire? Same place as my husband, someday.
16. Favorite time of day? Hmmm… I suppose… 12 PM?
17. Where were you born? In a house that we were renting at the time.
18. What is your favorite sport to watch? Basketball, I think. I don’t watch a lot of sports.
19. Who do you think will not tag you back? Meaning..?
21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this? No one…
22. Bird watcher? I’m not a bird watcher, and it’s not exactly something I’d want to be, either.
23. Are you a morning person or a night person? I can be both, for serious.
24. Do you have any pets? Nope… but I once had a fish named Rainbow.
25. Any new and exciting news you’d like to share? My older sister, the married one, just, justcame to visit!!!
26. What did you want to be when you were little? Seriously? A mom. Other than that, a waiter.
27. What is your best childhood memory? This one’s a hard one, since my memories come and go. But I loved the times when Three, Five, and I would all sit in a room and just talk. That was the best.
28. Are you a cat or dog person? I’m happy with either, as long as they’re happy with me.
30. Always wear your seat belt? Absolutely!
31. Been in a car accident? Not unless you count getting your leg caught in a seat belt for an hour or so.
32. Any pet peeves? For the most part… when people know how to spell, but don’t.
33. Favorite Pizza: Four cheese or four meat… I can’t decide.
34. Favorite Flower? Flowers!! Yeah, I don’t discriminate.
35. Favorite ice cream? It depends… I really like chocolate… but I also really like vanilla, and mint chocolate chip, and cookie dough.
36. Favorite fast food restaurant? Mmm… there was this one Denny’s we went to once, and I quite liked that one. :D
37. How many times did you fail your driver’s test? I haven’t even taken it.
8. From whom did you get your last email? HomeschoolBlogger.
39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? I suppose… Walmart.
40. Do anything spontaneous lately? Not to my memory…
41. Like your job? I suppose… if I don’t count my house chores, I don’t really have one.
42. Broccoli? Yuuuum!!! I want some!!
43. What was your favorite vacation? Well, this is easy, since I haven’t had many vacations. Last October, when I went to Disneyland with the family and my sister’s fiancé.
44. Last person you went out to dinner with? My Dad, my Mom, One, Three, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, and Ten.
45. What are you listening to right now? My siblings watching Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory in the other room.
46. What is your favorite color? Either TARDIS blue or yellow. I can’t decide.
47. How many tattoos do you have? I don’t have a single one. *proud of myself*
48. How many are you tagging for this quiz? Three.
49. Coffee Drinker? Ummm… no. Coffee is gross.
50. What time did you finish this quiz? 5:59 PM.

I’m tagging JoshSam, and Ostimander, but you don’t have to do it.


I made this one!! :D

1. How many letters are in your first name?
There are four letters in my real first name.
2. How old are you?
I am sixteen years old.
3. What are your thoughts on math?
Geeeh… math… *frustration*
4. What is your favorite TV show, if any?
Doctor Who, or Merlin.
5. Who is your favorite character in the previously stated show?
In Doctor Who, either the fourth Doctor, or the eleventh Doctor. In Merlin… Merlin.
6. What is/are your favorite book/s of the Bible?
This is a hard one… I quite like Romans… but Joshua is a fun one. :)
7. What is your favorite ice cream flavor and why?
Hmmm… I don’t know. I like vanilla, when I’ve had too many sweet things already. Chocolate is good… but so are mint chocolate chip and cookie dough. I’m… gonna go with mint chocolate chip, because it has chocolate AND mint! Yeah!
8. What is your favorite color?
Yellow. Or TARDIS blue. I can’t make up my mind.
9. What is your favorite book genre?
Fantasy, by a long shot.
10. How many siblings do you have?
I have nine siblings, and one in-law!! :D
I tag @redwriter, @bluebird99, and @bunnyland.