So, I was looking through old HomeschoolBlogger posts found a couple of old tags, and decided to do them.
Here goes!!

5 things in my freezer(s):
1. Ice cream!!
2. Pepperoni!
3. Chocolate chips.
4. Elk meat. (Yummaful!)
5. Flour. For some strange reason…
2. Pepperoni!

3. Chocolate chips.
4. Elk meat. (Yummaful!)
5. Flour. For some strange reason…
5 things in my closet:
1. Blankets (It’s a walk-in closet, so my family uses it for storage as well…)
2. A few board games… Clue, The Time Wars, and Battleship (Those are actually mine, by the way.
3. Two or three boxes full of random things… I should probably refigure out what’s in those…
4. Tennis balls (I like to try to juggle with them.)
5. Stuffed animals. Like, a lot. I like ‘em!
2. A few board games… Clue, The Time Wars, and Battleship (Those are actually mine, by the way.

3. Two or three boxes full of random things… I should probably refigure out what’s in those…
4. Tennis balls (I like to try to juggle with them.)
5. Stuffed animals. Like, a lot. I like ‘em!
5 things in my car (or my family’s):
1. Crumbs from various things
2. Kleenex. (It’s a necessity)
3. A couple of car seats, for Nine and Ten. :)
4. Spare coins, for when we need to pay for parking
5. Coats
2. Kleenex. (It’s a necessity)
3. A couple of car seats, for Nine and Ten. :)
4. Spare coins, for when we need to pay for parking
5. Coats
5 things in my purse:
1. My Driver’s Permit
2. A notepad
3. A pencil
4. Dental rubber bands
5. My library card
2. A notepad
3. A pencil
4. Dental rubber bands
5. My library card
5 things in my wallet:
Nothing, at the moment.
Nothing, at the moment.
5 people I tag:
1. Bobbi! (@bobbijs)
2. Sam… (@bookalien)
3. Josh… (@joshuaworld)
4. DaWolfMan… (@beowolf)
5. Ariel… (@aeg52998) I suppose. Heh. Aaand anyone who wants to do it! :D
2. Sam… (@bookalien)
3. Josh… (@joshuaworld)
4. DaWolfMan… (@beowolf)
5. Ariel… (@aeg52998) I suppose. Heh. Aaand anyone who wants to do it! :D
‘Kay, one down, one to go!
1. What brand of computer do you have?
Well, right now, I’m on my Mom’s Lenovo.
Well, right now, I’m on my Mom’s Lenovo.
2. What brand of mouse do you have?
The one I’m using at the moment is Logitech.
The one I’m using at the moment is Logitech.
3. What books are on the desk you are at?
Right now, The Bible and The Complete Tales of Beatrix Potter.
Right now, The Bible and The Complete Tales of Beatrix Potter.
4. Turn to the left, what do you see?
My Daddy!! Yay. :D
My Daddy!! Yay. :D
5. Put out your right hand, what can you touch?
The monitor, or very nearly. If I move it around outstretched, I can reach the phone we barely use, the printer, and the broken mouse.
The monitor, or very nearly. If I move it around outstretched, I can reach the phone we barely use, the printer, and the broken mouse.
6. List 10 things you would want to change about yourself.
1. My willingness to learn. I’m a bit stubborn in that subject too often.
2. I’d say my patience, but I think time’ll fix that.
3. My laziness. I procrastinate my procrastination, it’s that bad.
4. I’m pretty much content with everything else. :)
1. My willingness to learn. I’m a bit stubborn in that subject too often.
2. I’d say my patience, but I think time’ll fix that.
3. My laziness. I procrastinate my procrastination, it’s that bad.
4. I’m pretty much content with everything else. :)
7. Which do you prefer, books or movies?
It used to be that I’d say books in a heartbeat, but now I think it really depends on how much time is on my hands. I’m a bit of a slow reader.
It used to be that I’d say books in a heartbeat, but now I think it really depends on how much time is on my hands. I’m a bit of a slow reader.
8. Do you have a computer chair?
Yes, although at the moment, I’m at my Mom’s desk, so I’m not in the chair at the moment.
Yes, although at the moment, I’m at my Mom’s desk, so I’m not in the chair at the moment.
9. What color is it?
10. List 3 actors you would want to meet.
Assuming that dead actors can count,
1. Patrick Troughton
2. Patrick Stewart (I guess I just like Patricks)
3. Matt Smith
Assuming that dead actors can count,
1. Patrick Troughton
2. Patrick Stewart (I guess I just like Patricks)
3. Matt Smith
11. List 3 actresses you would want to meet.
1. Mary Tamm
2. Lalla Ward
3. Yasmin Paige
1. Mary Tamm
2. Lalla Ward
3. Yasmin Paige
12. Which do you like better, Italic, or bold?
Hmmm… bold.
Hmmm… bold.
13. If you were going to be stranded on an island for 1 week,what 15 things would you bring?
1. A huuuge bag of clothing. (Definitely including a swimsuit or two)
2. A tent. Maybe a very large one.
3. Books (obviously including my Bible)
4. Paper and writing utensil. It’d be fun to write sometimes.
5. A sword
6. A bow and some arrows
7. A box of matches
8. A flashlight
9. Some kind of thingy to purify the water
10. A toothbrush, and some toothpaste. Some floss would be handy, too!
11. Oh! Bedding. :D
12. Extra batteries
13. A cooler
14. Raw meat, in case I couldn’t catch any animals on the island.
15. Something to play music, maybe. I think I just might go insane without music.
1. A huuuge bag of clothing. (Definitely including a swimsuit or two)
2. A tent. Maybe a very large one.
3. Books (obviously including my Bible)
4. Paper and writing utensil. It’d be fun to write sometimes.
5. A sword
6. A bow and some arrows
7. A box of matches
8. A flashlight
9. Some kind of thingy to purify the water
10. A toothbrush, and some toothpaste. Some floss would be handy, too!
11. Oh! Bedding. :D
12. Extra batteries
13. A cooler
14. Raw meat, in case I couldn’t catch any animals on the island.
15. Something to play music, maybe. I think I just might go insane without music.
14. What is your favorite outfit?
I don’t really have a favorite. I just put on clothes randomly.
I don’t really have a favorite. I just put on clothes randomly.
15. Would you rather be married or single?
Definitely married, although not at this age.
Definitely married, although not at this age.
16. Would you rather your hair be blonde, red, brown or black?
Quite honestly, red. Love a ging.
Quite honestly, red. Love a ging.
17. How many times have you watched a favorite movie?
I don’t count. Sorry.
I don’t count. Sorry.
18. How many times have you seen a movie in the theaters?
Like, the same movie? I’ve never seen a movie more than once in a theater, although certainly on DVD.
Like, the same movie? I’ve never seen a movie more than once in a theater, although certainly on DVD.
19. Would you rather watch TV for a year, not do school for a year, or go on vacation of your choice for a year?
I’m pretty sure that all of these cancel out school, but even if it doesn’t, go on a vacation, ’cause I nearly never get that chance.
I’m pretty sure that all of these cancel out school, but even if it doesn’t, go on a vacation, ’cause I nearly never get that chance.
20. What’s your favorite color?
Either a very bright, lovely yellow or the most recent TARDIS blue.
Either a very bright, lovely yellow or the most recent TARDIS blue.
21. Have you ever sung in front of an audience before?
No. I almost did once, for a talent show, but ended up not.
No. I almost did once, for a talent show, but ended up not.
22. Have you ever been in love?
Not yet, and hopefully not for another several years.
Not yet, and hopefully not for another several years.
23. Have you ever ridden a roller coaster?
Yes, I have! :D
Yes, I have! :D
24. Have you ever done something crazy, like jump into a pool in the middle of fall?
Emmm… not to my recollections, but I have no doubt that I have.
Emmm… not to my recollections, but I have no doubt that I have.
25. Have you ever fallen asleep in the middle of something important?
…Not really.
…Not really.
26. Have you ever been somewhere absolutely beautiful?
Yes! Kamp Koinonia! It’s not necessarily beautiful in the way it looks, but it’s beautiful to be a part of it.
Yes! Kamp Koinonia! It’s not necessarily beautiful in the way it looks, but it’s beautiful to be a part of it.
27. Have you ever been yelled at repeatedly?
Again, not to my recollections.
Again, not to my recollections.
28. Do you dislike your relatives?
Nope, although there are a few that just really aren’t my favorites.
Nope, although there are a few that just really aren’t my favorites.
29. Have you ever been annoyed repeatedly by someone you dislike?
30. Which 3 people are you going to tag?
1. Paintbrush (@paintbrush)
2. Hannah (@ohiogirl)
3. Evie (@evalin)
and anyone else who feels like it!
1. Paintbrush (@paintbrush)
2. Hannah (@ohiogirl)
3. Evie (@evalin)
and anyone else who feels like it!
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