Sunday, March 24, 2013

Random Questions!

This is not a tag, but it’s sorta like it because I’m answering questions. :D Also, some of these questions have outdated answers, so I apologize for that if it’s a disappointment at all.
Bobbi: What’s your favorite color?
Yellow, or TARDIS blue.
Bobbi: Who’s the last person you talked to?
In real life, Mom. Over the Internet, Bobbi.
Bobbi: Do you like horses?
I rather do, but… not to look at them… heh.
Bobbi: What’s your favorite subject in school?
This is a question I get asked a lot, and quite honestly, I don’t know. There’s something about school that I don’t like. The only subject I look forward to is Bible, but ever since someone told me that they never thought of that as a school subject.. I just… don’t know.
Bobbi: What’s the last thing you ate?
A Hershey kiss! :D
Bobbi: What color is your pillow case?
Burgundy! (Bit dull, I know)
Bobbi: Have you ever gone fishing? On a hot summer day? Sit on a long and let the log roll away? With your hands in your pockets? And you pockets in your pants? Have you ever seen a fish do a hula-hula dance?
Ummm… I have gone fishing on a hot summer day… but I didn’t sit long, in fact, I’m fairly sure I was standing, with my hands not in my pockets because my hands were on the fishing pole, and I’m pretty sure my pockets are always in my pants, unless they run away to have fun at night… *looks suspiciously at my pockets* And no… I’ve never seen a fish do the hula-hula dance.
Bobbi: Do you know the muffin man?
Sorta! …Not really… my brother Six used to ask Mom to make muffins for breakfast, lunch, and supper. Luckily, Mom never made muffins for anything but breakfast, but in any case, I got extremely tired of them extremely quickly, because we had them every. Morning. So… I started calling Six “The Muffin Boy”. He doesn’t do that anymore. :D
Bobbi: Do you like pickles?
I love pickles!!! If they’re dill, anyway… I’ll eat them plain if they’re dill!
Josh: Do you like roast beef?
I do! Especially when Mom makes them in the crock pot… :D
Josh: Do you like curly fries?
Emmm… not especially… call me weird, but I don’t like fries in general. I do like curly fries a bit better than just normal French fries, though…
Rachel: What’s your scariest memory, or your saddest, or happiest, orrr… your most awkward moment?
I’m going to change all those “or”s to “and”s and say… my scariest memory is of laying in my bed at night, looking out the window, and seeing an extremely and frightening, pale face of a man looking thought the window at me for a moment, then walk away, I’m fairly sure in the direction of where the front door was. But the more I think about it, the more I think it was a nightmare.
My saddest memory… I think that was when I went to my Grandpa’s memorial. He was diabetic, and therefore quite large, but when I walked up to his earthly shell, he was rather thin. Mom told me later that it was because he didn’t eat much towards his end. Worse than seeing his body was hearing everyone’s stories about him, and a certain fact coming to my attention. I didn’t know my Grandpa very well before he had had his series of strokes. He lived a state away, and so I saw him very infrequently, and when I did, I was too young to remember much.
Happiest… goodness, there are too many to choose from!! There are pretty much all my Kamp memories, practically all the times that my cousin-although-very-nearly-almost-but-not-actually-brother, Bryant, came to visit us, aaand… um… OH!! Last year, my sister Two planned out a surprise Birthday party for my sixteenth Birthday that was absolutely fantastic!! It was one of the best Birthdays I ever remember having, even thought it was a few days before my Birthday. Sooo… ummm… here comes a story. It was a Saturday. One had told me that she wanted me to get my chores done just about as quickly as possible because she wanted to watch a movie with me, and I had told Five the day before that I wanted to play on the Wii with him, so I asked him to get his chores done as quickly as possible so that we could beat Six and Seven (who played on the Wii together a lot). Or maybe he suggested to me… I find the latter more likely… anyway! Basically as soon as I was finished with my chores, my friend who was only a couple houses away called and invited me to play with her. I went over there and we played some card games and board games for a while, and theeen there was a knock on the door… it was Two. She blindfolded me and drove me and my neighbor off somewhere, with one of my friends in the passenger seat. I could not, for the life of me, guess who it was that was in the passenger seat, but when I eventually got to Branzah’s house (Branzah is the mixing of Two’s and her husband’s names. :) ), and was unblindfolded, I discovered who it was, and felt like a bit of an idiot, because I had just seen her the day before. :D Anyway… we had fish sticks and vanilla pudding, I got a Doctor Who board game, which we played. :D Ummm… we had a rainbow cake that had a picture of the TARDIS on the top that Three made… oh, I got the eleventh Doctor’s sonic screwdriver!! Yeah… it was one of the greatest days that I remember well. :D
Forgive me if I don’t want to talk about my awkwardest moment. I know I said that I’m answering these questions, but I really don’t wish to answer this particular one.
Hannah: Why is the Eleventh Doctor your favorite from the new series?
Yay, a geeky question!! :D He’s querky (definition 1) and hilarious. He makes me laugh almost as much as the Second and Fourth Doctors put together, if not the same amount. It’s hard to put it into words… but allow me to inform you that I completely disliked him when he first came in. It wasn’t until the end of Flesh and Stone, when he pushed Amy off of him and decided to drag Rory into everything, that I decided that perhaps he wouldn’t be so very bad, and by the end of A Christmas Carol, I was endeared to him, and I got to thinking about how I would feel if he were to leave. I also realized that part of the reason I disliked him was because of the way that Ten left. After I was able to come to terms with the fact that Ten was gone and wasn’t coming back, I realized that Eleven had me just about entirely.
Fairley: What’s your real name? (I know you don’t want to post your full name on here for privacy reasons, but can you tell me your first name?)
Hmmm… I’d still rather not post my first name, but compromise! I’ll post my initials and my full middle name. B. Anna Y.

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